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Jagex says Runescape may appear on console games in the future

Sep-16-2020 PST

The most recent edition of Old School Runescape's latest newsletter offers interesting information about what fans have been craving for two decades, and it's clear that Runescape could finally hit consoles.

Some media news is about running news on everything from Old School Runescape. Jagex is released at the end of each month and contains various official information on recent player stats, upcoming projects, etc.

“I saw the future of the old school [Runescape] and focused on the online RS Gold game store,” I read in the Jagex Bulletin this month.

"It will be available on other platforms and consoles. The game world will be available in other locations. It will be available in different languages."

The newsletter still states that Jagex believes there are potential Runescape players around the world. Outside of Old School Runescape, some people can only play games on Steam after they get off work, while others use their PS4 to relax on the couch. To attract as many people as possible, it's also important to consider these people as potential Runescape members - so the future of Old School Runescape on the next generation of consoles isn't as far off as you think.

The statement acknowledged that this was an "ambitious ambition," and believed it was much easier to look at the console port in Runescape than to actually implement it. But he also indicated that there are some "big secret projects" underway.

In addition to news of the release of Runescape on other platforms and consoles, Jagex is also improving its marketing department and actively exploring the possibility of adding more competitive game styles to the game.

"There are other options," the bulletin said. "We have built good relationships with many industry partners who can help us make new friends."

So, while it seems impossible for the past two decades, we can finally see Runescape Day on console. The next generation of Old School Runescape brings hands together.